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P. 7

More sachets #2

           You can think of this article as a follow up to my article, Miniature Bottles?!? in miNiZ94 and
           More Sachets from Errol Brassett in miNiZ95. Since writing the two articles a few more
           sachets have been added to Miniature Bottle Library, making 130 in all. I will soon be adding
           about another 140. These extras came about in a rather unusual way – read on.

           It all started with me (with my MBL hat on) finding a bottle from Palestine on a
           Slovakian web site whilst looking for something else. This was not the old
           Palestine British Mandate (now largely Israel) but the new Palestine proto-
           state. Jim Crawford runs the definitive site,, showing
           bottles from most countries and territories in the world, together with a list of
           countries Jim knows have made bottles but that he does not have a bottle
           from. Palestine, as I suspected, was not represented. I therefore emailed him a
           copy of the photo. Needless to say neither of us can read Arabic but Jim knows
           someone who does. It tuned out that it contains Sweet Almond Oil so it does
           not fit in with Jim’s collection or the criteria of MBL. So, no country added for
           either of us.

                                        However, as well as a list of countries Jim is looking for bottles
                                        from, there is also a few photos of bottles from countries that Jim
                                        is looking for and that provide proof that they do/have produced
                                        bottles. Among them was the sachet on the left from Sierra
                                        Leone. MBL has no bottles from Sierra Leone so I copied the
                                        photo, then decided to see whether I could find a photo of the full
                                        sachet, and one good enough to show the maker.

                                        The good thing about the internet is that any search throws up
           links that are only tangentially related to what you are search for, which lead you to other
           links etc etc. I found Double Punch, it is indeed from Sierra Leone, from a company called M.
           R. Distilleries. I also found photos of two other of their products, Flash & Tyson (all now on
           MBL). Following other links I found another company from Sierra Leone, Shankerdas & Sons
           (R. K. Distilleries), trading as Pegapak, and they had 11 photos of sachets they make on
           their web site. The sachets below are from this company.

           As well as throwing up this other company from Sierra Leone links also led to companies
           from all over Africa and India (and a few further afield), some of which I knew about but
           many of which I didn’t. More about this later but first a few bits of interesting information
           about these sachets. They vary from 25ml (common) to 100ml and can sell as cheaply as a
           few cents each. Some are made by respected multinationals, such as Diageo (through local
           African subsidiaries), and some by respectable local companies. Some are made by back-
           street operators and some of the sachets that some of these operators make are blatant
           knock-offs. The knock-offs sometimes contain alcohol of very dubious origin, including
           mythyl alcohol (which can kill you or send you blind!). I hate to think what some of these
           sachets taste like as even the best contain cheap spirit.

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