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What’s in a name #4


           Although I was born and raised in Edinburgh I had never heard of Cadenhead's until i came to New
           Zealand. My oldest sister used to send me miniatures which was quite big of her as she was teetotal
           and the only thing she knew of alcohol was the effect it had on my dad and myself. However she did
           knew about Cadenhead's as the family lived just off the Royal Mile before I was born.

           Cadenhead's was established in Aberdeen in 1842 and are now based in Campbeltown with shops in
           London and Edinburgh. They are Scotland's oldest independent bottlers though for the last fifty years
           they have shared the same ownership as Springbank Distillery. They purchase casks of whisky, age
           them and then bottle them under their own label. They have issued a huge number of whiskies but in
           small quantities.
                                                                At first it seemed a bit unusual to keep receiving
                                                               bottles that all had similar labels. They were green
                                                               bottles with white writing on black labels. Then I
                                                               realised it was the only way I would find examples
                                                               of long closed distilleries such as St. Magdalene
                                                               and Glen Lochy. The manager had taken pity on
                                                               my sister and sold her some of the less common
                                                               examples. The label designers did lighten up a bit
                                                               as shown on the Strathisla-Glenlivet bottle.

                                                               Now and again they burst into colour (too much
                                                               sampling) and produced bottles such as
                                                               Hielenman which is a classic Scottish image. As
                                                               mentioned above Cadenhead's originated in
                                                               Aberdeen. The Putachieside bottle
                                                               commemorates the suburb in which they started.
                                                               For the early examples of this bottle the label
                                                               stretched almost completely round the bottle. A
           fire in the distillery damaged the plates for the label and so later bottlings have the standard sized label.

           As well as a couple of examples mentioned above the company did
           produce a few of their own whiskies. Moidart came out in the late
                                1970's but is no longer produced. Their own
                                bottlings seem to have nicer labels. The latest
                                bottlings of their aged whiskies are the
                                opposite of the earlier ones in that they have
                                black writing on white labels.

                                I had hoped to write a more in depth article
                                but I received no help from the company. In
                                mid-August 2014 I sent them an e-mail asking
                                four questions. Two weeks later I received no
                                reply so I rang the shop in Campbeltown to
                                whom I had sent the e-mail. They said the
                                person who dealt with e-mails was not
                                available and they could not answer my
                                queries. They did give me the name of
                                someone at Springbank distillery who could help so I sent him an e-mail. Two
                                weeks later no reply so I rang the distillery to find out the man was on maternity
                                leave (I wish they had that when our six children were born). In early October still

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