Page 10 - Microsoft Word - miniz-digest-110-114.docx
P. 10

Laila Gin and Strong Lion Café Rhum Whisky. Finally from
           India we have Bob’s Apple Vodka. I cannot find anything
           about this. I suspect there are many, many more Indian

           Our next sachet is the only one I have found from the
           Philippines and it is from the well known San Miguel
           company. 30ml of gin in this one.

           Who said New Zealand wasn’t third world? Our next sachets
           are from here. They started being made earlier this year but I
           am not sure if they are still being made as the website has gone. Needless
           to say they are/were very controversial as it makes it super easy to smuggle
           booze into dry venues. Registered names were Cheeky and Sneaky but I cannot find any
           evidence that Sneaky has ever been made. All are 25ml. The range comprises Vanilla
           Vodka, Apple Sours and Bourbon & Cola. All are 25ml at 20%. The first picture shows the
           original sachet of Vanilla Vodka that was later replaced by the one in the second photo.

                                                Continuing east we cross the Pacific to Paraguay, where
                                                Sachets del Paraguay make a range of at least three
                                                sachets under the brands Drinkev and Stark. Sorry but
                                                the only photos I can find are very small. The Stark is
                                                50ml so I assume the Drinkev sachets are 25 or 30ml.

           The final stop on our journey is the
           US of A and back to the US packed

           Finally, we saw above sachets from
           WC Beverages & Dum Beverages,
           how about this one from Germany.
           This has been on MBL for some time but has not been shown
           before in miNiZ.

           All these and many more will be on Miniature Bottle library by the
           time you read this.

                                                                                          David Smith

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