Page 4 - Microsoft Word - miniz-digest-86-91.docx
P. 4

The site can be searched either by company name, and there are lots of cross
                  references to help with this, or by country. A country flag is shown against every
                  company name. The above screen shots show the two primary navigation screens.
                  Below is the start of the listing for a manufacturer, in this case U. D. Pendowa from
                  Indonesia. There are over 1500 manufacturers currently listed and some of these
                  manufacturer listings run to hundreds of bottles. Where we know of another web site that
                  significantly extends the knowledge about a particular manufacturer (history, large high
                  quality photos etc.) there is a link to that site. This area will be developed much further in
                  the future.

                  All photos are a maximum of 360x360mm, although many, initially at least, are smaller
                  as these are the only photos so far found. Photos are close cropped to get the maximum
                  size for the bottle itself. As well as size differences, some photos are better quality than
                  others and some are even black and white scans. The site works on the premise that
                  any photo is better than none. The site is being constantly updated by replacing photos
                  with better ones and adding new bottles, variations and manufacturers. Approximately
                  11,500 bottles are currently shown.

                  Photos of figural bottles not shown on the site (or better photos of those that are) are
                  actively sought. They can be emailed to – just make sure
                  you let them know what the bottle is if it is not obvious from the label, or if the label is not
                  shown on the photo. Remember, any photo is better than none and the webmaster will
                  crop, resize, lighten or otherwise improve them if necessary.        Enjoy.

                                                                                       David Smith
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