Page 12 - Microsoft Word - miniz-digest-86-91.docx
P. 12

The first time Major Paul’s was put up for sale it failed to get a minimum bid of US$2.99.
                  I suspect that the seller was none too pleased. He put the bottle back on sale and, I
                  suspect, nobody was more surprised than him when it sold for US$224.50! I can’t tell
                  you anything about the next bottle, Golden Ribbon Bourbon, except that it sold for
                  US$178.50. Next up is Rittenhouse Rye Whiskey in the diamond cut bottle from about
                  1940. This is the last of our $100+ bottles at US$102.50. The Crystal Bay Club bottle
                  was bottled by Medley Distillers especially for The Crystal Bay Club of Lake Tahoe,
                  Nevada. It is a 7 year old straight Bourbon Whiskey and is in excellent condition. A snip
                  at US$48.50

                  Now to the other end of the scale. The next four flasks went for minimum bids. Bottoms
                  Up went for only US$0.99, a real shame for a 1936 bottle. Hiram Walker Double V also
                  sold for US$0.99. The 1939 Redwood Rye Maryland Whiskey was originally sold exactly
                  70 years ago, US$2.00 bought it this time around. Waterfill and Frazier 6 year old is also
                  a 1930’s bottle, US$2.99 minimum bid this time.

                  Mount Vernon Rye Whiskey measures just over (102mm (4") tall – two bids and
                  US$5.16 was all it took to buy it. Wolf Creek Rye Whiskey is from the 1930’s and has a
                  great label but greatness is not always expensive. A minimum bid of US$5.49 bought it.
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